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A full stack academics solution for universities/colleges.

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Case study

Academics is not always my best thing to perform. Being a back-brencher, I always wanted to have everything need to study before the exam in the last hour. So, I wanted to create an app that will have everything related to my academic journey in the university, from taking classes to giving quizzess and presentation online. I am trying to solve this issue by making a web app using the technologies in my proficiency.

Technical Details

To tacle this very large project, I went with two step solution to solve the problem. Firstly, I am using React js in Vite(as we don't need that much Next.js), Redux and RTK-query for state management,the famous Dracula theme for UI. To the backend side, I am using Node server by express.js. Mongoose and MongoDB for database. I am using JWT for authentication and authorization. This whole application is written on TypeScript to ensure type safety and manage the codebase easily as this is a very large project for me. I also tried to use 4 types of authorization in the project, which is a bit tricky for me to implement.

Problems Faced

While I was developing Uniracks, I have faced issues like
  • I wanted the APIs to be uniformed in the server side, it was bit messy in te fio

  • It was the first time for me to use ShadCN UI and I was not sure how to use it. I had to go through the documentation and read it throghly, did some experiments first, then it became easy for me to use in the project.

  • Working with next.js with Redux is kinda tricky in the first place for me, as we need to create client component in order to use the hooks of redux, it felt bit tricky for me and still I am not sure how to solve the issue.