Tech Stack

Discover the foundation of my creations as we journey through the world of technology together. Unveil the tools and frameworks shaping my digital endeavors, reflecting a blend of innovation, expertise, and dedication.

Frontend Libraries

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1 years of in hand experience

React is my top choice for crafting user interfaces, enabling the creation of dynamic web applications that offer exceptional user experiences.

See Projects with React
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1 years of in hand experience

Skilled in Redux, I harness this state management library to create structured and predictable data flows, ensuring robust and maintainable web applications.

See Projects with Redux

Backend Libraries

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1 years of in hand experience

With Express.js as my trusty backend companion, I craft powerful, scalable, and efficient web server applications with flair and finesse.

See Projects with Express.js
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1 years of in hand experience

Utilizing Node.js as the foundational platform for my Express applications, I ensure the smooth execution of powerful server-side solutions, enhancing scalability and performance.

See Projects with Node.js

Web Languages

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2 years of in hand experience

Extensive expertise in HTML, adept at creating meticulously structured web content for seamless and engaging user experiences.

See Projects with HTML
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2 years of in hand experience

Seasoned in CSS, adept at crafting captivating web designs, ensuring seamless user interfaces, and enhancing site aesthetics with precision and creativity.

See Projects with CSS

Programming Languages

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1 years of in hand experience

JavaScript is my native language on the web. Adept at creating dynamic, interactive web applications to elevate user experiences with advanced functionality.

See Projects with JavaScript
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1 years of in hand experience

Skilled in TypeScript, utilizing its robust static typing to engineer scalable and maintainable web applications, elevating code quality and reliability.

See Projects with TypeScript

CSS Frameworks

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1 years of in hand experience

Proficient in Bootstrap, harnessing the power of this CSS framework to streamline web development and create responsive, visually appealing designs.

See Projects with Bootstrap
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1 years of in hand experience

Skilled in Tailwind CSS, harnessing its utility-first approach to streamline web development, resulting in polished and responsive designs with optimal efficiency.

See Projects with TailwindCSS

Full Stack Frameworks

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11 months of in hand experience

With Next.js, a full-stack framework, I excel at creating web applications that are not only high-performing but also SEO-friendly, ensuring top-notch user experiences.

See Projects with Next.js

Developer Tools

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Visual Studio Code

2 years of in hand experience

Utilizing Visual Studio Code as my central workspace for project development, I harness its robust features for an efficient, customized coding environment.

See Projects with Visual Studio Code
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1 years of in hand experience

Skilled in utilizing npm to meticulously manage Node.js packages, ensuring the seamless integration of critical dependencies in every project.

See Projects with NPM
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2 years of in hand experience

Git is my cornerstone for version control, enabling seamless collaboration, tracking, and management of code across diverse projects with precision and efficiency.

See Projects with Git

Design Tools

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2 years of in hand experience

Capable of using Photoshop to address minor design challenges, enhancing projects with basic image editing and design solutions.

See Projects with Photoshop